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Adding an update to the Archive entries

An Archive entry would often need some follow-up and further processing. Also, in many organizations or workflows, the process of final review and approval is delegated among different members. To solve this problem, each Archive entry has a status that can be changed via an update.

Entries will initially have the “Pending” status meaning they require some further action or review. The “Pending” status is recognizable by their yellow status bubbles.

To add an update to an entry, you need to navigate to the entry's detail page. On the left side of the screen, you can find a section named “Next Action” containing a list of possible actions. Each button will add an update to the entry which can record files and information about the action. The available actions depend on the type and the current status of the entry.

If the status of the entry has not changed and you simply want to add an update to the entry, you can click on the “Add a note” button which allows you to add a note or upload a file to the entry without changing the status of the entry. All other buttons will change the status of the entry while saving the update.

Once the entry requires no further action, you can change the status to “Done”. The entries with the “Done” status will not appear in the “Not Completed” tab of the Archive page and you will not receive any notifications on their due dates.

After clicking on any of the buttons, a popup will appear. You can provide an optional summary and a note for the update on the left side and upload any files related to the update. In some cases such as the “Done” status, you might need to select the date of the update. The date indicates the date when the action was completed.

Recording a payment for an invoice

If the entry is an invoice, one of the next action buttons is “Record payment” which can be used to record the financial transaction made for the invoice. Here, you need to select the date of the payment and optionally, the accounting payment account (if you have the required permissions).

If the currency of the payment is different from the main currency of your workspace, you can manually adjust the exchange rate to match the actual exchange rate used for the payment. If the actual payment is different from the initial exchanged amount, the difference will be automatically recorded as a gain/loss on foreign exchange in your Accounting module.

It is common to receive/send a receipt after the payment has been completed. If you wish to save the receipt of the payment, you can click on the “Record receipt” button to save the receipt.

Last Updated: May 2, 2024